
Tvisha Technologies


Web and software development

The Problem:

Appearance in SERP for high-impact keywords

The Solution:

Comprehensive keyword analysis, targeted content creation, SEO optimization, email nurture

The Result:

Organic traffic increased by 23%, CTR on blog and solutions page improved by 8%.

Troop Messenger's Rise to Keyword Supremacy

hire content marketer

Client Background:

Troop Messenger, a product by Tvisha Technologies, is a leading communication and collaboration platform designed to streamline team interactions and boost productivity.

As an emerging player in the industry, Troop Messenger faced stiff competition from established competitors vying for the same target audience.

Despite offering a superior product, they struggled to gain prominent visibility in search engine rankings for high-impact keywords.

This lack of visibility hindered their ability to attract organic traffic and generate quality leads, making it challenging to increase their market share.

To overcome these challenges and solidify their position as a market leader, Troop Messenger sought content marketing expertise to  increase visibility in search engine and generate qualified leads.


Key Challenges

Inconsistent Search Visibility

The lack of visibility and low search rankings resulted in minimal visitors from search engines.

Content Gap with Competitors:

Lack of comprehensive and engaging content that could effectively compete with their industry rivals.

Limited engagement and CTR

Troop Messenger's content failed to effectively engage their audience and encourage meaningful interactions.

Content strategy alignment:

Lack of cohesive content strategy that aligned with their target audience's needs and preferences.

Key Strategies

Highlighted Works:


Organic traffic increased by 23%, increasing Troop Messenger's reach and potential customer base.

CTR on blog and solutions page improved by average 8%, indicating higher user engagement and interest.

Achieved top 5 search rankings for 30 high-impact keywords, increasing visibility.

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