bedtime stories for adults to fall asleep free,

15+ Popular Bedtime Stories for Adults & Girlfriend

List of best bedtime stories for adults to fall asleep. There’s also an updated list of bedtime story for girlfriend – read these to help your partner slip into a deep sleep 😴

Are you someone who falls asleep as soon as you hit the bed? Congratulations, you’re God’s favourite child! This is a blessing I pray you never lose.

As for me, I’ve always had trouble sleeping. Meditation, regular exercises, chamomile tea did not work for me; the only thing that does is a good bedtime story.

I enjoy reading bedtime stories as a way of zoning out. When I read or listen to stories at night, my mind gets busy visualising the details of the plot — instead of focusing on other, more stressful thoughts that tend to consume me at night.

These days, I listen to audiobooks. I set the timer to automatically turn off after 30 minutes or when a chapter is complete. I choose these books carefully.

In general, I pick stories that are interesting, but light enough that I don’t have to pay attention to details. When I’m listening to stories, my mind isn’t on my to-do list for the next day. It is clear of everything else.

I wrote this article to share my favourite bedtime stories for adults. I’ve also added special lists of bedtime story for girlfriend, romantic bedtime stories to set the mood, and soothing bedtime stories for adults to fall asleep.

Bedtime Stories for Adults: Benefits

There’s a reason adults are drawn to bedtime stories, and it extends beyond fantasy, nostalgia, and insomnia. Check this infographic on importance of bedtime stories for adults.

how to tell a bedtime story

In short, It’s easy to think that as adults, we are too mature for bedtime stories. But the truth is we could all benefit from a good bedtime story that helps us forget about everything else. In the infographic above, we shared quick tips to tell a bedtime story effectively. Here are some detailed tips if you’re looking for more information:

How to Tell a Bedtime Story?

Whether addressing 200 strangers in an auditorium or narrating a story to your partner, engaging with your audience is the key to effective storytelling. The following suggestions will help you tell a bedtime story properly:

1. Block all distractions

You don’t want your phone to ring in the middle of a nerve-wracking scene. Take a look around you, get rid of things that might distract you. Make sure you do this even before you go to bed. To create the perfect ambiance, dim the bright lights and turn on the reading lights.

2. Maintain Eye Contact

Regardless of who you’re reading a bedtime story to, you’re the one who sparks the narrative. Maintaining eye contact with your audience guarantees, they focus entirely on you and your story. If you get a hold of them, they will be carried away from reality, and into the fictitious world you’re depicting. This will help you tell a bedtime story perfectly.

3. Pitch, Pacing and Pausing.

No one likes a bland storyteller. To fit the different parts of your story, alter the tone and tempo of your voice. Maybe slow down and soften your voice if anything awful is about to happen. On the other hand, if the action is intense, speak quickly to create the right atmosphere and reflect your characters’ emotions. Moreover, always be excited!

To tell a bedtime story, consider using pauses at right places. It creates a sense of curiosity and suspense. Let your listener ponder what happens next with strategic pauses. You can change your rhythm, pitch, intonation, and pace. You can speed it up! You can slow down. You can make your voice louder! Whatever that makes your audience pay attention.

4. Facial Expressions and body language

Immerse yourself in the story. If it’s a thrilling scene, widen your eyes to create suspense. Use your hands to show sudden changes in events, the size of an object, how little it is, or to imitate knocking on a door. 

Top 16 Bedtime Stories for Adults

Here are the top 10 bed time stories for adults in 2023. Let’s begin.

1. ”Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephant” primarily takes the form of a conversation, even though the words are not spoken.

Since almost the entire story takes the form of a dialogue between the couple, Hemingway extensively uses symbols to inform the readers about the mental states of the lead characters and how they view the situation. Reading this prose will help you doze off in no time. 

Bedtime Story for Adults: Hills Like White Elephant

2. ‘The Time Traveller’s Wife‘ by Audrey Niffenegger

The Time Traveler’s Wife might be the best bedtime story for your girlfriend! It’s a story about the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare’s marriage and their deep love for one another as the narrative is told from both perspectives.
Clare and Henry try to lead typical lives while chasing the same goals: stable jobs, close friendships, and having children. But, unfortunately, all of it is in inevitable danger, and this is what makes their story intriguing and completely unforgettable. 

Bedtime stories for adults: The Time Traveler's Wife

3. “The Fault in our Stars” – John Green

This famous young adult novel is about a young girl diagnosed with lung cancer and attending a cancer support group.
Hazel hesitates to participate in the support group but soon realises it is a good idea. Through the course, she meets a guy named Augustus, and the story that follows is something for you to read before you shut your eyes. 

bedtime stories

4. “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul” by Jan Canfield

When looking for solutions, affirmation, or a heartwarming tale, the classics from the Chicken Soup series are the ideal books to read. Reading these stories will help teenagers connect with them without having to confide in any friends or family members.

While talking to loved ones during difficult times is always helpful, it is also never a bad idea to take time for yourself and seek guidance from literature. After reading lessons about friendship, love, and self-respect, head to bed with a positive outlook on the future.

best bedtime story for adults to fall asleep free

5. ‘With the Beatles’ by Haruki Murakami

“With the Beatles” by Haruki Murakami is a melancholy tale about a narrator remembering his college days and transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. This nostalgic theme is undoubtedly a pleasure for millennials. However, anyone who enjoys a heartwarming story will like it too.

best bedtime story for adults

6. ‘Good Trouble’ by Joseph O’Neill

Good Trouble by Joseph O’Neill is a fascinating examination of the difficulties of being alive. The protagonists in O’Neill’s works bravely confront their concerns, despite the strange circumstances they may find themselves.

These beautifully crafted modern pieces by O’Neill remind us of our internal monologues’ actual, covertly political effects. No author is more observant about the bizarre society we live in today; that’s one reason why you should read it. “Good Trouble” is a delightful addition to any book lover’s reading list because it is filled with empathy and sarcasm. 

best bed time story for millenials

7. ‘Those Across the River’ by Christopher Buehlman

It’s a story of a couple who arrive in the sleepy Georgia town of Whitbrow and the horrors that occur there. It’s a well-written book that’s a pleasure to read, especially if you are looking for something that doesn’t keep you up at night! 

bedtime stories to read online

8. ‘The Exorcist’ by William Peter Blatty 

The Exorcist was one of the scariest novels ever, which is why it was adapted into one of the scariest movies ever. It centers on the demonic possession of Regan, an 11-year-old girl.

As the mother anxiously looks for an exorcist, descriptions of the child’s bizarre conduct, which includes spitting and yelling obscenities, reach a crescendo. If you’ve seen the original film adaptation, you already know how intense this becomes. Nevertheless, the book is even scarier! 

bedtime stories to read online

9. ‘Cousin’s Tribulation Story’ by Louisa May Alcott

This short story on New Year’s Day is about a family who forgoes their meal to help their less fortunate neighbours. It’s a feel-good story that will also restore your faith in humanity.

In addition to that, it’s just 800 words long! You won’t have to stay up till the wee hours of the morning to find out what happens, and you will be smiling when you do. As a result, it is also one of the best bedtime stories for adults to fall asleep.

night stories for sleep

10. ‘Bruce and the Spider’ by James Baldwin

This brief fable-like tale revolves around a king who is watching a spider. The king, who has also failed in battle, sympathizes with the spider as she keeps having trouble connecting her web. She persists, though, so he decides to follow her lead and give it another shot. It will certainly inspire you with its simplicity and also put you to sleep.

night stories for sleep

11. ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’ by Flann O’Brien

This classic Irish novel by Flann O’Brien casts made-up characters that plot against the writer who gave them life in a series of interrelated plots. It is a hilarious experimental piece of literature. If you don’t believe me, take my word that Flann’s book is “very humorous,” according to James Joyce. No doubt, it is one of the best bedtime stories for adults!

good bed time story

12. ‘Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?’ by Mindy Kaling

As a shy, chubby youngster terrified of her bike as a child, Mindy Kaling’s work gives the impression that she is personally chatting with you about her hilarious life experiences. By the end of the reading, you will feel like you and the writer are best friends, and you’ll know more inside jokes than you ever imagined. 

good bed time story

Bedtime Story for Girlfriend

Want to find bedtime story for girlfriend? Here’s a list of some of hot bedtime short stories and novels:

13. ‘The Fifty Shades of Grey’ by E. L. James

 The Fifty Shades Trilogy is a story that will fascinate you, possess you, and stay with you forever. It is erotic, humorous, and incredibly steamy. The moments in the novel are significantly steamier than what you may have watched in the movie. Reading the gritty details of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele would set the mood before you fall asleep. It’s the perfect bedtime story for your girlfriend. 

hot bedtime short stories

14. ‘Praise’ by Sara Cate

This book is for you if you enjoy a taboo spicy read with a little kink tossed in for good measure. The charming older man Emerson fights with his feelings for the innocent, youthful Charlotte. In the meantime, she gains self-assurance, discovers how to stop being ashamed or embarrassed about her desires, and begins to feel at ease in her skin. 

hot bedtime short stories

Romantic Bedtime Stories To Set The Mood

15. ‘Meet Cute’ by YA Writers

“Meet Cute” is an anthology of original short stories by some of the most well-known YA writers of the present day. Each story tells a tale of how two people met each other.

The Romance genre isn’t as diverse as it should be, so if you’re looking for a more varied romance, you will enjoy this anthology because “Meet Cute” does a wonderful job of showing the different couples and their love stories. 

hot bedtime short stories

16. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen 

“Pride and Prejudice” is a masterpiece of English literature that centers on the developing relationship between Fitzwilliam Darcy, a wealthy aristocratic landowner, and Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of a country gentleman. It is written with sharp humor and exceptional character portrayal. It also makes for a good bedtime story for girlfriend! 

Romantic Bedtime Stories for adults

In Closing

Try out a few of these bedtime stories for adults to find out which one you like best. Your favourite narrative might surprise you. These collections of bedtime stories for adults are sure to delight you. Go through them and select the ones that are most suitable for you. Any of these options can certainly help you sleep if you have trouble sleeping at night.


Do bedtime stories work for adults?

Bedtime stories help adults to get off their phones and calm their minds from emotional distress. Many meditation apps also include bedtime stories for adults to fall asleep free.

Do bedtime stories help with insomnia?

Many adults go to bed with a storm of thoughts about the day and worries about tomorrow. The role of a soothing story is to relax the body and mind and prepare you better for sleep.

How do you find a good bedtime story?

One can find good bedtime stories for adults on the internet or book-reading apps like Google Books. You can also read this article to find a good bedtime story that suits your mood. 

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